Thursday 18 February 2021

Working together with shared passions

There are many out there who share the same passion to support their community. 

To be able to reap the benefits of a stronger connection with the people who are our neighbours, whilst simultaneously contributing to its growth and development, is important to me. 

Whilst setting up the New Forest Craft Market I have had the pleasure to meet (socially distanced and more often than not, online) people who are eager to nurture where we live, not only for the benefit of their own small business but also for others out there who are in the same stages themselves.

The range of creative ideas people have and the exciting way in which they talk about them really shine through, and this is sometimes all you need to make it work. This coupled with support can make for a winning formula. 

Instagram has been such a lovely place in which I am easily able to find local creatives and small business owners, it not only displays in visual terms what they do, but often gives an insight into the person/people behind the business. It shows what they love and what drives them to do what they do.

Without social media I would not have made the connections that I now have with my sellers, as well as a support network of like minded people.

When I was contacted by JJ of the New Forest Collective we both could see the advantages of pooling together our resources and working together, when someone tells you that your words made them smile and was exactly how they felt you know that your on the same page.

The New Forest Collective website allows creatives in the New Forest to have a platform/shopfront online. With no joining fee it's an ideal opportunity to test the waters with your small business and allows you to grow your customer base via a professionally made website that allows direct sales without the hassle.  Please visit their start selling page to find out more. 

As a stallholder of the New Forest Craft Market you can benefit from a reduced commission fee. So please remember to mention your stallholder details to them when you join.

They are also kindly supporting us in our effort to raise funds for local charities as well as increasing awareness on our group and our creatives lovely work.

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