Buyer's Guide

First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for supporting local and the good causes that will benefit from your participation.

The following tips will help you find your favourite sellers as well as make purchases while always staying safe and adhering to government and common sense guidelines.

  1. You can scroll down the New Forest Craft Market’s feed on Facebook. This will show you the latest listings of the day as well as those that have been recently commented on. Of course you can scroll through all older listings.

  2. If the seller has used hashtags, you can search for the seller’s unique stall number e.g stall #1.

  3. Search by area. Use the search button and add the hashtag followed by your area, e.g. #ringwood and this will display all sellers in Ringwood.

  4. View seller’s albums. Albums can be found in the media tab. Stall holders can create an Album where all their items will be listed in one place.

  5. To help sellers, commenting on their post before private messaging them, will boost their listing to the top of Facebook feeds and give them extra exposure.

  6. Arrange with sellers to collect purchases and exchange payment in a safe manner, ensuring all parties abide with the guidelines.

Buyers can also post on the group and ask for recommendations or specific items that sellers can respond to.

Buyers are encouraged to post about the items they bought and how much they love them. This creates a great friendly atmosphere. Please tag the seller if you create a thank you post. You can also leave a recommendation on the seller’s personal page.

The New Forest Craft Market cannot hold any responsibility for the condition and quality of the goods bought or sold. Nor, for the loss or damage of any items posted/not received. Any disputes/transactions must be between the seller/buyer. Please make sure you conduct your transactions safely. It is always advised to pay on collection and where this is not possible to use a safe method of payment and delivery.

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