Monday 22 February 2021

Raffle for Lucy

We were approached by Sarah Dudley one of our stall holders on the New Forest Craft Market, she told us how she wanted to help a student and friend of hers called Lucy and was setting up a just giving page for her and her family to raise money for a specialised wheelchair. 

Please visit Lucy's Just giving page 

We decided that we had to get behind this and help Sarah. We joined forces with our partner site New Forest Collective

Between the three of us we started to contact local businesses and our own creatives to see if they would be able to donate items to the raffle.

We have a growing list of donations and these can be viewed on the raffle page, here is a snippet of what we have. 

You can purchase your raffle tickets via The New Forest Collective 

Thursday 18 February 2021

Working together with shared passions

There are many out there who share the same passion to support their community. 

To be able to reap the benefits of a stronger connection with the people who are our neighbours, whilst simultaneously contributing to its growth and development, is important to me. 

Whilst setting up the New Forest Craft Market I have had the pleasure to meet (socially distanced and more often than not, online) people who are eager to nurture where we live, not only for the benefit of their own small business but also for others out there who are in the same stages themselves.

The range of creative ideas people have and the exciting way in which they talk about them really shine through, and this is sometimes all you need to make it work. This coupled with support can make for a winning formula. 

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Raising money for Julia's House

We thought that we might be small fry in the eyes of Julia's House, we are glad that we took the plunge to email them to ask if they would like to be one of our beneficiaries.

We spoke to Sarah who got back to us the following day and she was happy that we decided to support them.

Take a look at their Facebook page where they do a Friday Fundraising shout out, highlighting all the lovely individuals who raise funds for them in inspiring and imaginative ways.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Introducing a local Charity

We are really happy to announce another local Charity that we are proud to support.

The Isabel Baker Foundation was set up by Isabel's Mum who felt that many parents in the same situation  lacked support both financially and emotionally when losing a child to a terminal and life-limiting illness.

She campaigned for change and continues to make a difference.

Please visit the Isabel BakerFoundation Website to find out the numerous ways in which they are able to support families. 

The Isabel Baker Foundation will receive a donation from the support of our stallholders.


How our June donation will help Poulner Junior school.

We are very happy to announce that we will be supporting Poulner Junior school with their fundraising. 

They kindly let us know how the money we raise through our stallholders support will help them in their efforts.

We are currently raising money for a mindfulness area within the school playground.

A greater number of children have experienced anxiety this year as a result of the changes that they have to deal with and the awareness of social distancing measures that they have had to adopt for much of the last academic year.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Micro Charities across Dorset and Hampshire.

Micro charities are smaller charities that are not able to promote themselves as many larger charities do. Which means many are undiscovered and struggle to raise awareness. 

Smaller charities provide support in various ways, they rely on individuals giving free time to support their cause. This can be through delivering parcels to vulnerable members of our community, cleaning up our town with litter picking or planting trees to help the environment, organising better recycling facilities and much more.

These groups are often the ones that see what is needed in our community at its grass roots and step up to make a change. They run effectively through people who are dedicated to the cause.

The reason we have decided to help these small micro charities within our community is that even small contributions and donations can make such a difference. If you know of any Micro Charities within the New Forest and Dorset Hampshire borders please do let us know.